It's that time of year again! The holidays are just around the corner and eShipper wants to celebrate your story with everyone we know!
Want your company to be shared with thousands of people, for free?
Enter our Out of the Box photo contest and win! Here are the rules:
- Snap a photo of the wackiest item you ship this season with eShipper
- Post your photo to Twitter with the hashtag #shippedthis or tag us on Facebook
- eShipper will randomly choose one winner on December 23rd, so get snapping!
Here's what you'll win:
- The eShipper blog has a global reach. We'll feature your company and your story on our blog.
- Our emails reach thousands of people. We'll share a link to your story in one of our emails.
- Exposure across our social networks.
Not an eShipper Customer Yet?
Here's what you get when you sign up for eShipper:
- A quick & easy shipping tool that allows you to book a shipment online and have it picked up and delivered door to door.
- Amazing rates from the most reputable national carriers, no matter how much you ship.
- The choice to compare carriers and rates, all on one page.
- Easy e-commerce integration to your website.
How do I register?
It's easy. Just Sign Up for FREE and start shipping.